SCA Sunset Entertainment & Media Company: A Multifaceted Industry Leader

Sunset Entertainment & Media Company

Sunset Entertainment & Media Company, also known as SCA Sunset, is a prominent player in the entertainment and media industry. With a diverse portfolio of brands and services, SCA Sunset has made its mark in various sectors, ranging from music and television to sustainable initiatives and digital platforms.

Brands and Services

Sunset TV and Sunset Streaming

One of the flagship offerings of SCA Sunset is Sunset TV, a television network that provides a wide range of programming, including original series, documentaries, and live events. Sunset Streaming, on the other hand, is a digital platform that allows users to stream their favorite shows and movies on-demand.

Sunset Recordings and Sunset Special Markets

SCA Sunset’s music division is represented by Sunset Recordings, a record label that works with talented artists from various genres. Sunset Special Markets focuses on the production and distribution of specialty music products, catering to niche markets and collectors.

Sunset Music Supervision and Live Jam

SCA Sunset’s expertise in music extends beyond production and distribution. The company also offers music supervision services, helping filmmakers and TV producers find the perfect soundtrack for their projects. Additionally, Live Jam is a platform that showcases live performances and connects artists with their fans in real-time.

SCA Sunset’s Sustainable Initiatives

Sustainable Action Now (SUN)

Sustainable Action Now, or SUN, is an initiative by SCA Sunset that focuses on promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility. Through SUN, the company aims to raise awareness and implement eco-friendly practices across its operations and partnerships.

Explore New Jersey and Visit New New Jersey

SCA Sunset is committed to promoting local tourism and highlighting the beauty of New Jersey. Explore New Jersey is a travel website that offers information on attractions, events, and hidden gems in the state. Visit New New Jersey is a campaign that encourages visitors to explore the diverse offerings of New Jersey, from its stunning coastline to its vibrant cities.

Other Ventures

Sunset Host Co and Radio Host Co

SCA Sunset also has a presence in the hosting industry through Sunset Host Co and Radio Host Co. These companies provide web hosting services and radio hosting solutions, respectively, catering to individuals and businesses looking to establish their online presence or launch their own radio shows.

The Vending Lot and Pro Merch

The Vending Lot and Pro Merch are ventures that cater to the merchandising needs of artists, brands, and events. The Vending Lot specializes in providing vending solutions for concerts and festivals, while Pro Merch offers high-quality merchandise production and distribution services.

Nature’s Sunset and Sunset Vending Co

Nature’s Sunset is an eco-friendly product line that offers sustainable alternatives for everyday items. From reusable straws to biodegradable packaging, Nature’s Sunset aims to reduce environmental impact. Sunset Vending Co, on the other hand, provides vending machines and services for businesses and public spaces.

On the Rampage and Don Lichterman

On the Rampage is a platform that focuses on combat sports and provides news, analysis, and live event coverage. Don Lichterman is the founder and CEO of SCA Sunset, known for his passion for the entertainment industry and his commitment to sustainability.In conclusion, SCA Sunset Entertainment & Media Company is a multifaceted organization that excels in various aspects of the entertainment and media industry. From television and music to sustainable initiatives and digital platforms, SCA Sunset continues to innovate and make a positive impact in the industry.